Holy crap! I officially start my third trimester this week! It honestly feels like yesterday that I was staring in disbelief at the digital pregnancy test before work on the morning of October 6 at the words ‘Pregnant’. I remember shaking my head and squeezing my eyes shut, half believing that when I opened them again, the word ‘Not’ would’ve preceded it. I will forever be grateful for that moment when I realized I wasn’t alone at 5:00 am that morning in the bathroom. Even if my ovaries only worked that one time and never work again, I will always be so thankful for this gift that has been given to us.
My little boy is moving around like crazy lately. I feel a leg kick and then I feel his little butt scoot into me and elbow jabs. I would love to see what he’s doing in there when I feel those. Of course, he just goes nuts when I’m trying to go to sleep. Ahh sleep: a luxury that I honestly no longer receive. I got three good hours last night. I invested in a body pillow and it does help some, but it’s the pressing bladder every few hours that really gets me. I just feel bad for Phil! Every time I get up out of bed during the night, the 80 pound dog that insists on sleeping with us, let’s out a big old groan and has to reposition himself as well. Phil has been a very good sport about everything, God love him.
The baby weighs about two pounds! At my last visit a week or so ago, I hadn’t gained any weight since January, but I’ve gained a total of 9 lbs. Most of it is baby and uterus and whatnot! That’s kind of hard to believe because lately, my appetite has been out of control…especially when it comes to the sweets. I really need to tone it down. I have my GD test the first Friday in April. I’m kind of nervous for it. Diabetes runs in my family and my mom is also a diabetic specialist, so I know enough to know that it is one condition you wouldn’t wish upon your worst enemy. I need to cut back on the sugar!!
The nursery is coming along. Phil has most of the wainscoting up and we got the walls painted. We are buying the furniture next week, so we’ll have that into place soon. I would like to have the nursery all put together and ready by the time I’m 34 weeks along. I think that’s doable, considering I’m 26 weeks and change right now. I was freaking out last week about how we had NOTHING for the baby yet. Well, we finally bought and received our stroller travel system! We bought the Chicco Cortina Coventry travel system. It’s just so adorably boyish and I LOVE it.
I guess I don't have anything more exciting to share. More to follow!