Friday, July 23, 2010

Walk a mile...

Passive aggressive comments stated to others regarding how a "good mother" would still maintain an active social life and wouldn't be "only about their child" really, really, really anger and hurt me.  Especially when they come from people who do not have children.  And it stings even more when these statements come from people who have such importance in your life.  They have no idea how hard it is to find balance while working 40+ hours a week while raising a son and trying to mix in a little socializing here and there.  I may not be the same family member or friend that I was before I added mother to my title, but that doesn't mean that I haven't forgotten my previous roles.  They change, it's life. That's all I'm going to say as I try to smile and pretend like those comments don't break my heart.

I'm a good mother, damn it.


Abby said...

(((HUGS))) I've been thinking about you lately...haven't seen much of you! Sorry that you are dealing with insensitive and non-understanding people!!

Baby For Ballerina said...

Awww thanks! Yeah, I've been MIA on the board lately. Work has been insane and the error messages don't help. :) Hope you're having a blast with Jones! :)

The Swoboda Family said...

Two months into my life as a working mother, I can relate! We don't even have time during the week to Skype with our parents while we're trying to take care of life and spend as much time as possible with Celia. Any mother who can set her child aside frequently to have the social life she did before parenthood is someone who should probably re-evaluate their priorities. As it is, I get about an hour a day to play with my daughter and I sacrifice sleep during the week to do it. You're a wonderful mother! And don't let anyone else tell you otherwise!