Sunday, August 22, 2010


Gah!  I feel awful for virtually abandoning this blog for the past month!  Things have been so busy with work lately that when I finally get home, play with Jude, do the bedtime routine, throw in laundry and then pick up the house, I usually collapse into bed.  I've been SO unbelievably tired lately.  Like pretty much just as exhausted as I was in the first trimester.  Plus, I've been having random bouts of nausea.  Sounds like pregnancy, right?  I thought so too.  So I peed on some sticks and can confirm to everyone with absolute, 100% confidence that pregnancy is NOT it.  While it would be nice to have another miracle baby without any fertility treatments again, we just aren't ready yet.  So, I'm thinking it's hormonal, possibly.  All I know is I hope it stops soon.  If not, off to the doctor I go.  I would think that with Jude sleeping 11 hours straight at night, I would be amazingly well rested.  Instead, I feel worse than when he was up every hour or two.  It could also just be the 9 months of virtually no sleep catching up with me. 


I have lots to write about and have made it my goal this week to write one entry every single day until I'm caught up.  I love this little blog and dearly miss the outlet it gives me.

More to come about Jude and less about me- I'm not as interesting and certainly not as cute!


Elissa said...

Hey Erin,

I didn't realize that you had had such a hard time TTC with Jude! I went back and read your entries from 2008. Big hugs! I'm so sorry you had to go through that but wow. Jude is SUCH a miracle.

Lots of love

Baby For Ballerina said...

Aww thanks, Elissa! Yeah, I was pretty quiet about it for a really long time. I don't know why, but I was super secretive about my malfunctioning ovaries. :) I actually started this blog when I was really starting to get stressed about our diminishing options as we learned they weren't working. Actually, I think I need to go make some of them public as my really early entries were set to private since I didn't want anyone to know! I think I only got a few entries in here before Jude came along, I guess this was what we needed! :)